This post is going to be a work in progress -- that is, I intend to add to it and revise it as more information becomes available. But I am in the early stages of researching this, and I want to catch-and-release information while it is still fresh and timely.
You be the judge of the reliability of this information. But also, see my post on the
Murder of John Kennedy: A Citizen's Lessons, (another cover-story that has taken hundreds of researchers decades to unravel), for some thoughts about how one might evaluate information.
With that in mind, I am going to post some significant links; many provided by friends and readers at this site. They are roughly in order from the oldest (perhaps most valuable because they are completely untainted by current spin) to the most recent (which may include un-sifted information). I encourage as many as can to join with commentary and links of their own.
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Bin Laden Denies Involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Transcript of an interview of OBL with the Pakistani newspaper
Ummat, Source dateline is 10 Oct 2001. I urge you to read the entire transcript.
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Bush rejects Taliban offer to negotiate. Article posted on the website of the mainstream
Independent in the UK, over 9 years ago. Dateline 15 October 2001.
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Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Bin Laden Would Need Help If On Dialysis. CNN website January 21, 2002. Detailed assessment of Bin Laden's health at the time. Includes statement by Pakistani leader Musharraf of his belief that Bin Laden had likely died of kidney failure.
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Forbidden Truth. I am researching this book published by St. Martin's Press in 2002. Much detail by two reporters about the duplicity that preceded and followed the invasion of Afghanistan in the fall of 2001 immediately after the September 11 operation.
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Israeli Intelligence: Bin Laden is Dead; Heir Has Been Chosen. Originally published at World Tribune website. No estimate of the date of his death was given. Dateline Tel Aviv, October 16, 2002. This link is preserved at Welfare State website.
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Magazine Runs What It Calls Obama's Will. Posted at CNN website, October 16, 2002. Quotes extensively from the purported will, dated December 14, 2001. Said to have been published by Al Majalla, an Arab news magazine.
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Kevin Barrett interviews professor Bruce Lawrence of Duke University, who says that the "Bin Laden confession tapes" are bogus, and that knowledgeable US national-security insiders admit this (off the record, of course). Interview was in the time frame near February 2007. You can listen to the
audio file; less than five minutes.
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Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? Published in 2009, this book by David Ray Griffin gives persuasive arguments and evidence that OBL died in December, 2001. I have read this book; I have met David Ray Griffin personally and am impressed that he is a knowledgeable and courageous man. You can go to his website,
David Ray Griffin. He has up-to-date commentary
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A witness to bin Laden's death says it's 'bullshit.' From the Revolutionary Politics website, video shown this week, apparently on Al Jazeera.
@ : Chris Bollyn.
The 9/11 Deception and the Death of Bin Laden. Chris Bollyn's take on President Obama's speech.
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Top US Government Insider: Bin Laden died in 2001, 9/11 a false flag. On Prison Planet website. References Dr. Stephen R. Pieczenik, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under under Nixon, Ford, and Carter, who is said to have stated that OBL died sometime in late 2001, apparently from complications of Marfan Syndrome. OBL was known to have been hospitalized in Dubai in July 2001, where he was visited by CIA physicians.
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Was Bin Laden Assault a Jessica Lynch-style Fable? Emphasizes the inconsistencies and revisions already appearing in the "official story." Paul Watson is the writer, on Prison Planet.
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Osama bin Laden's Useful Death. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. May 3 2011 at Lew Rockwell's website.
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Eric Margolis, a well-respected writer about the Middle East, takes the view that OBL was killed this year, as reported. His take on the meaning and consequences.
@ : At
Veterans Today website, Gordon Duff writes of the "re-death of Bin Laden's frozen corpse."
@ : Wall Street Survivor website. Gordon Duff writes that
OBL died December 13, 2001.
You will notice that I emphasize information that supports my own strong conviction that OBL is long dead. I think this has been a long-running "Emmanuel Goldstein" operation (read or remember George Orwell's
1984). Contrary evidence and viewpoints are most welcome, of course.
But if. If we agree that the official story is almost certainly pure b.s., why is it being released at this time? Primarily for American consumption for reelection or other political purposes? Or for world consumption; if so, why?
* * *
Your thoughts most welcome.
Original post May 4, 2011. Three links (darker violet color) added May 8.