Thursday, September 1, 2011

Insulated Cups, Locked Doors, and Personal Sovereignty

Guest post by Joel Kendhammer

For those of us that have a penchant for hot coffee in the morning, or any time of the day for that matter, it is nice to have the hot liquid in a well-insulated vessel of some sort. The reason of course is at least two fold. First, it’s nice to keep one’s hand from becoming disfigured due to the excessive heat. For some reason we like coffee so hot that we don’t want to touch it with our hands, but we’re more than happy to pour it in our mouths at the same scalding temperature. Which brings me to the second reason for the thermally efficient containment device: we want our coffee to STAY hot! 
The thermal containment serves both efforts in the same way, by keeping the molecular kinetic energy (most commonly referred to as heat) in the liquid, and out of the surroundings. This is accomplished through a tried and true combination of both materials and the intelligent application of said materials. 

The materials used generally have low thermal conductivity (energy transfer per unit surface area per degree temperature differential) either due to their atomic structure, which restricts the ease of molecular vibration to propagate through the solid medium, or due to “voids” in the solid material, which effectively block the molecular vibrations travel. In the case of some thermal containment devices, a relatively high thermally conductive material may be used (such as stainless steel) but fabricated with a void (vacuum) in between the inner and outer layer to act as the thermal break. 

I would love to beat this horse for a few more hours but I think most of you are already in need of another cup of coffee so I think it best to move on. And no, I will not reveal to you the point of this rambling just yet. If you are going to get this and do something with it, you will have the fortitude to read on. If not, well, you better go catch “the game” or something eternally significant like that.
For those of you that are still with me on this journey, let’s move onto door locks. Why? Because we were just talking about coffee containment vessel design as it relates to “locking” the energy into the beverage so that it can be enjoyed by you the user. How are door locks different in the world of analogy? 

They differ only in that they are in essence an insulation that can be cycled on and off. While the lock is positively applied, the contents of the locked vessel cannot be transferred from within to without. 

Why do we apply the locks? For much the same reason as we put the coffee in a well designed mug, to keep the things in that we don’t want getting out. With coffee, the energy would naturally flow from the relatively high-energy liquid to the relatively low energy content of your hand (ouch!) or the surrounding environment of the table, air, etc. With the lockable containment area, the items located within the space would “naturally” transfer from your ownership to the hands of someone else that wanted your stuff badly enough to take it.

 Theft is no different than energy transfer; it just requires a “medium” by which to effectively move “things” from one body to another. Without something “blocking” the free movement of these “things”, a full house becomes an empty house in the same way the hot coffee becomes a cold cup of bitter black water.
So now the next leap, which is really what I wanted to write about in the first place: Sovereignty. 

Sovereignty, as defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary, Second College Edition, Copyright 1976, means: The state or quality of being sovereign. That really clears things up for us doesn’t it? Well, sort of but maybe you’d find it helpful to know what the definition of “sovereign” is. From the same reference we find that sovereign means: Above or superior to all others; chief; greatest; supreme. It also means: supreme in power; rank, or authority. 

Dear reader, by the grace of God, that describes you. With one caveat of course being the One that created you rules over everything. Within that bound you are above or superior to all others. Since all other people are also sovereign, that means we are all equal. This being the case, no group or individual can assert authority over any other group or individual unless the individual or group yields their sovereignty to some other authority. In other words if an individual can be cajoled into giving up their sovereignty, then they will cease to be sovereign. Without active assertion of individual authority, you can and will lose your sovereignty.
By now you are either shaking your head with a lack of understanding or nodding in an expression of agreement with where this is leading. Maybe you can see that your sovereignty in this analogy is the “heat” of the coffee or the “possessions” in a car or house? You might be getting the idea that the insulation and the lock represent the act of asserting your sovereignty. Hopefully you can appreciate the concept of needing to protect your rights from the natural transfer of “personal power” from one individual to another.
So maybe you are starting to get this concept but do not understand the mechanism of “energy loss” in the same way you understand the physics of insulation and locks. Allow me to flesh it out a bit before this edition of Tangential Acceleration is brought to a halt. 

The rights of an individual are always perfectly safe as long as there is no other individual or group around to “take” said individuals rights. The “medium” by which individual rights are transferred (read: stolen) is most commonly known as government. This is not to say all government is bad, just that when government exists, people must always actively resist the natural transfer of their sovereignty into the hands of the government. If a person does not “lock up” or “insulate” their rights, they will be stolen.
So now you are wondering, “How do we lock up our rights?” That is a great question. I was hoping that you’d ask that so this intellectual package could be wrapped up. The only way to insulate your sovereignty is to understand the following:
  1. Who you are!
  2. Why you are here!
  3. Who put you here!
  4. The purpose of your existence!
Once these four things are understood, then you can actually be a sovereign individual no matter your circumstance. When you fully grasp these issues, you will understand that you cannot be threatened by anything or anyone other than the one that can destroy your very soul. With your soul eternally protected, your sovereignty will be temporally protected. 

When this “seed” of truth takes root in your mind it will produce much fruit and will cause you to go forth and help others understand the same. If the Son (truth) therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

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Joel Kendhammer is a truth seeking, Christ following husband who lives in Galesville, Wisconsin. You can send him email at:

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